Willistown Troop 78                                

Any questions?

Please contact Brian Opielski at brian@opielski.com or 610-407-9785.

First Responder Training For Webelos

Webelos Scouts and Leaders:

  • Troop 78 will host First Responder training on Wednesday 9th at 7PM at the Troop 78 cabin.  
  • The evening features the scouts and leaders of Troop 78 running relevant stations to train Webelos in the First Responder requirements for the Arrow of Light. 
  • In past years a great time was had by all and the Webelos completed their First Responder requirements in grand style.

Hope to see you all on Wednesday, November 9th at 7pm!

Register Here!

Please let us know how many scout-aged youth will be attending along with your Pack number, (if you are currently a scout).

​​​Photos from past First Responder training events.