Willistown Troop 78                                

Sale Details For Scouts

How to sell in person

  1. Print the flower sale order form
  2. Be polite, respectful
  3. Record the order on the sales form
  4. Accept their payment
  5. Cash or check written to ‘Willistown BSA Troop 78’
  6. Thank your customer for their order
  7. Enter the customer’s order on the Flower Sale Website
  8. Turn in the payments to the cabin at the dates listed above

How to Sell Online

1) Get your name added to the troop website

a)  Sign the Online-Salesman-Signup form at the cabin


b) Register as a Scout Salesman

• Send an email to: troop78sales@gmail.com

• Subject: Flower Sale Salesman Registration

• Message: First Name, Last Name, Phone #, e-mail address

• Copy (CC): Your parent / guardian

Once you are registered, your name will appear as a Scout Sales Agent on the website

2) Point customers to the Troop’s Flower Sale Website: https://shop.tr78.org

3) Review the orders that get placed.

• You will get an e-mail when an order is placed with you listed as the salesman

Hello Troop 78 Scout Salesmen:

As you are all participants in the Troop 78 Flower Sale, here's some important info:

The Troop 78 Spring Flower sale is on as of Friday March 15th.  


Fri 3/15 -  Start of Sale

Sun 4/30 9pm- Order Deadline  (Submit all orders on-line here!).

Wed 5/8 -  Unload and Sort (Parents and Scouts help needed)

Thu 5/9 - Pickup and deliver (In time for Mother's Day on Sunday, May 12).

Remember to celebrate your mom on Mother's Day!

Please join us in supporting the Troop program by participating in this important fundraiser.  In exchange you will receive florist grade plants to beautify your gardens and patio for this spring and summer.

The proceeds from this sale will be split between the individual scouts who participate and the troop. 

The scouts are permitted to use their earnings for any scout-related expense, such as the cost of Horseshoe Summer Camp or a high adventure trip to Canada or Florida Sea Base or Disney.

The Troop will use its share of the proceeds to pay for all expenses related to the troop program during the scout year.  Because of this commitment, the monthly program is free to the scouts, the scouts attend meetings and campouts, day and weekend trips at no cost to them.

You're only here for a short visit. Don't hurry. Don't worry. And be sure to stop and smell the flowers along the way.

                                  --Walter Hagen

Welcome to our troop flower sale.  Our Online Shop is open!

Remember that: 

* You will get credit for part of the value of what you sell for your Camping Account to use to pay for summer camp and high-adventure trips.
* People love giving and getting flowers for Mother's Day

Where are the paper forms to sell?      
* You can print copies of the colorful flower sale brochure. Click here.
* Refer your customers to the troop store website: https://shop.tr78.org 

* Business cards with the troop store info can be picked up at the cabin.

All Orders must be entered online by Monday April 30th at 9pm.
* No paper orders are accepted.
* All orders must be submitted online by your customers or by you:  https://shop.tr78.org

How Do I Enter an Order for My Customer?
* Add customer's items to the online shopping cart, and then proceed to the Checkout.
* The store works the same way as most online stores
* If your customer paid with cash or check, select the payment option:
  Pay with check made out to: Willistown Troop 78 (give to Scout - Select Scout Salesman Below)
* If your customer used PayPal or a credit card, you do not submit money for that sale.
* Your customer will receive an e-mail with the order invoice and so will you.
* If there is no customer e-mail or phone, use your e-mail and phone #.
* It is recommended to submit a separate new order for each customer.

Delivery to customers is scheduled for Thursday May 9th - Saturday May 11th.
* Scouts may pick up their orders:

  3pm-7pm Thursday May 9th at the cabin,

* Scouts are responsible for delivering their orders to their customers.

How do I know who ordered?
* The Flower Sale Website will e-mail your e-mail address when a new order is received for you.
* You will receive a written report that will have a summary of your orders.

How do you know who paid? 
* The invoice e-mailed to you and your customer will show the Payment Method.
* There are three options: pay with check, PayPal, or Credit Card.

Where do we turn the money in?
* At the Cabin: Friday May 10th 7PM-9PM at the troop meeting.
* Turn in all checks/cash not paid with PayPal / Credit Cards on the online store
Why are we doing a sale?
* To encourage you to earn your way to camp and for various fun adventures in scouting

* To support the trips and activities of the Troop in the coming year
* To build your skills for talking to people with scout-like character and learning how business works

Who do I contact with questions?
* E-mail troop78sales@gmail.com