PASSPORT REQUIRED for travel to Kandersteg
A valid passport (not a passport card) is required for our upcoming trip to KISC in Switzerland.
* * * NOTE: If you have a passport, the expiration date must be after February 2017 (6 months after the travel is completed) PLEASE VERIFY * * *
WHAT: Submit a picture or photocopy of the passport page (the page containing your picture, name, etc) to Paul Skodny @
WHY: Accurate traveler information is required to be submitted to the airline to create and finalize the travel roster.
Travel documents for our group must be collected soon to create a travel roster for the airline.
WHEN: DEADLINE: If you have it now, please send to me now.
If you are in the process of applying for a passport, please let Mr. Skodny know when your application was submitted for tracking purposes.
If you do not yet have a passport please note: the average turn around time to get a passport is 4-6 weeks so please take care of this ASAP.
Click this link to apply for a passport:
Passport requirements for minors are slightly different than adults. There are different rules for persons under the age of 16, for persons 16 or 17, and for persons 18 and older.
We are now less than 2 months away from our great adventure in the Swiss Alps at the Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC)!
The next and final group meeting will be in July, probably the week of the 11th when everyone is back from camp, exact date to-be-determined. At that meeting we'll go over final preparations; things like: when we're leaving and what to do (we'll all meet at the cabin and leave via our bus, bring your meds, emergency contacts, some of the adult leaders will need to have phone service, go over packing again, etc.
People going should be gathering the items on the packing list if they don't already have them, making sure they are doing some sort of exercise, should begin hydrating about 2 weeks before the trip, should make sure their paperwork is all in.
Troop 78 in Switzerland 2012
Kandersteg International Scout Camp 2016
July 23, 2016 to August 6, 2016